Whether you are looking to FOCUS your direction, CONNECT with others, or BUILD the future, our carefully curated and highly credentialed hybrid coaches leverage evidence-based science with professional experience to help clients achieve their goals.


Whether you are looking to FOCUS your direction, CONNECT with others, or BUILD the future, our carefully curated and highly credentialed hybrid coaches leverage evidence-based science with professional experience to help clients achieve their goals.

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Why CoNKT™

CoNKT™ is a boutique couture coaching* platform that leverages technology to connect carefully curated and highly credentialed coaches to organizational leaders based on custom client needs.

CoNKT™ offers:
• Accessibility to high level coaches for individuals at all levels of the organization
• Preferred pricing for individuals seeking a private pay option (complete company confidentiality)
• Single point of contact for coaching, advising, and consulting

*The couture coaching approach, drawn from the French fashion term for highly tailored designs, is a hybrid of coaching, advising, and consulting that is customized to the client's needs.

FOCUS - Couture Coaching

…a hybrid approach to Executive Coaching

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Professionals looking to navigate changes in their personal and professional life while gaining insights from a seasoned and experienced trusted advisor may be most interested in EXECUTIVE COACHING for a confidential one-on-one coaching experience.

CoNKT™ coaches work with professionals to help them gain self-awareness, clarify goals, achieve development objectives, unlock potential and act as a sounding board. When appropriate, CoNKT™ coaches provide additional insight, advising and consulting.

This hybrid approach to coaching is an advanced level of coaching, provided by seasoned coaches with over twenty years of professional experience, and is unique to CoNKT™. We call our approach couture coaching.


  • Offers one-on-one attention for a more personal approach
  • Provides intensive focus on the client’s agenda
  • Allows for tailored pacing based on individual needs
  • Involves individualized goal setting and problem-solving
  • Allows for flexible scheduling


  • Virtual 1:1 sessions via phone or videoconference
  • Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending upon your needs
  • 30-60 minutes per session

How It Works

  • Complete a needs assessment
  • Select a coach that provides the best fit based on your needs
  • Enter your partner code for preferred pricing
  • Schedule your first appointment

CONNECT - Couture Group Coaching

…a hybrid approach to coaching in teams

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Professionals seeking to learn from others in similar positions (peers) or work teams seeking to increase their team effectiveness (intact workgroups) may receive more value from a GROUP COACHING experience.

Group coaching clients benefit from peer learning with others, commonly referred to as the collective wisdom of the group. This peer learning is often as important as the interaction with the coach. Many clients find the process “less on the spot”, giving them more time to reflect and integrate their insights. Masterful group coaches step back and create a strong process framework for the coaching to emerge from.

Organizations may find benefit due to the scalable nature of the process, opening communication between silos or group members in different parts of the organization. Over time these relationships create a valuable network across an organization.


  • Incorporates different points of view
  • Promotes confidence to address difficult issues
  • Develops self-awareness by listening to others
  • Provides a broad safety net
  • Encourages participants to model successful behaviors of others who have gone through similar experiences
  • Provides team cohesiveness


  • Virtual
  • 6 Sessions over 3 months
  • 30-90 minutes per session

Find A Group

Contact us for a custom solution.

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BUILD - Couture Consulting

…a hybrid approach to advising

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The future of organizational success requires leaders to understand the multidimension needs of their employees.

CoNKT™ coaches not only provide a hybrid approach to coaching engagements, but they also bring their expertise in human behavior, neuroscience, leadership, diversity, performance, and change management to organizations through TRAINING, CONSULTING, SPEAKING and ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT.

Complement your business strategy with a CoNKT™ Coach.


  • Increased engagement
  • Increased productivity 
  • Increased quality of life
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Reduced risk of accidents 
  • Reduce unhealthy behavior to cope with workplace stress
  • Increased quality of work
  • Lower healthcare costs


  • Virtual or live
  • Custom programming
  • Coaching inclusive

Find A Consultant

Contact us for a custom solution.

Contact Us

Who We Are

We are a consortium of certified coaches with advanced degrees and credentials in Professional Coaching, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Business.

Our coaches come from industries including:

• Finance
• Hospitality
• Healthcare
• Education
• Government
• Technology
• Other

We have helped clients work on issues including:

• Time Management, Organization, & Priority setting
• Executive Presence
• Transitions from Individual Contributor to Leadership
• Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
• Communication Skills
• Emotional Intelligence
• Leadership Styles
• Conflict Management
• Change Management
• Stress Management & Resilience Building
• Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
• Teambuilding

Our coaches complete a rigorous vetting process including:

• Meeting core educational & certification requirements
• Demonstrating core competencies
• Presenting a proven track record
• Providing client references and
• Completing Personal interviews

Additionally, our coaches are supported through a formal “coach supervisory” process where they collaborate with peers to review client strategies, leverage one anothers strengths, and engage in leading edge research and education training.


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