Frequently Asked Questions

CoNKT™ coaches are seasoned coaches with over 20 years professional experience who practice a HYBRID approach to coaching, we call Couture Coaching. Traditional coaching methods rely almost exclusively on client self-discovery. However, Couture Coaching leverages the coach’s experience and reservoir of client knowledge to augment coaching with advising and consulting when appropriate.

For clients who have worked with a coach previously or need to move quickly, this HYBRID approach accelerates their personal and professional growth.

CoNKT™ coaches co-create the coaching engagement with the client, designing a format that best meets the client’s goals and expectations. Engagements are rooted in traditional coaching practices, however, if the coach believes the client would benefit from their experience and/or other client practices, they will shift out of coaching mode and offer the needed information. Once the information is processed, the coach will let the client know they are shifting back into coaching mode.

CoNKT™ coaches must meet rigorous requirements including:

  • 20+ years of professional experience
  • 200+ hours of accredited coach training
  • Advanced degrees preferred (over 75% hold graduate-level degrees)
  • Provide client references, and
  • Be referred by an existing CoNKT™ coach

Coaches who meet the above criteria go through an interview process and a background check.

While it is easy for individuals to enter the profession, it is a difficult industry in which to succeed.  CoNKT™ is very selective in partnering with only the most seasoned.

Clients complete a needs assessment to identify the types of experience, education, industry background and demographics they are seeking. Based on this input, the client receives a list of three (3) coaches that meet their criteria.

From that filtered list, the client selects the coach that they feel is the best fit.

If after your initial meeting with your coach, you and/or the coach do not believe it is the best fit, you may go back into the system and reselect a new coach at no additional fee.

While clients may experience an impact in fewer than six months, this is a critical time for embedding new thought patterns and working with your coach to create change that is sustainable.

Yes.  With the exception of illegal activity, self-harm or harm to others, all coaching conversations are 100% confidential.

Yes.  Our research has shown that while many organizations provide company resources to assist with coaching and counseling efforts, some employees prefer to keep their use of an outside resource completely confidential.  

However, many organizations reimburse coaching as a training and/or professional development expense.

