Discover & Book​

An Executive Level Coaching Experience

As a result of coaching, clients often report feeling less stress and more productive.

Based on your current needs, what are your primary goals for engaging with a coach at this time?

Coach Search Form

Check YES to areas related to your primary goals.

Select up to 3 areas.
Would you like to become a better leader?
Would you like to improve your communication skills?
Would you like to increase DEI Awareness?
Would you like to build better teams?
Would you like to achieve better results?
Would you like to change careers?
Would you like to improve organizational/company performance?
Would you like to build executive presence?
Would you like to improve Conflict Management Skills?
Would you like to increase your ability to manage change?
Would you like to manage your stress better?

You will be matched with 3 coaches who specialize in the areas that you selected. You can read their bios and select the one you'd most like to work with.

Individual Coaching Not For You?

Our group coaching platform is ideal for individuals seeking to learn from others in similar positions or work teams seeking to increase their team effectiveness.

About CoNKT™

Moving into the “New Normal” requires a hybrid approach. Our carefully curated and highly credentialed coaches leverage coaching, advising, and consulting to help clients rapidly transform.

Closeup image of two people shaking hands

Terms of Engagement:

  • Coaching engagements are six months in duration and may be renewed upon completion
  • Each engagement is co-created between you and your coach to best meet your goals and expectations as to such, may vary in frequency, format, and approach
  • Engagements are completely confidential