Discover & Book​

An Executive Level Group Coaching Experience

Group Coaching

Group coaching clients benefit from the peer learning with others, commonly referred to as the collective wisdom of the group. This peer learning is often as important as the interaction with the coach. Many clients find the process “less on the spot”, giving them more time to reflect and integrate their insights. Masterful group coaches step back and create a strong process framework for the coaching to emerge from.

Organizations may find benefit due to the scalable nature of the process, opening up communication between silos or group members in different parts of the organization. Over time these relationships create a valuable network across an organization.

Diverse women

Group Coaching Options


Intact Work Teams

Due to the scalable nature of the process, team coaching can open up communication between silos or group members in different parts of the organization.

If you would like to be matched with a TEAM COACH for your intact work team, please click the button below and complete the request form.

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Peer Groups

Peer groups benefit from the collective wisdom of the group. Many clients find the process “less on the spot”, giving them more time to reflect and integrate their insights. Masterful group coaches step back and create a strong process framework from which the coaching can emerge. To join a PEER GROUP, please complete the request form.