Refund Policy

Private Coaching:


Coaching chemistry is important. For that reason, we encourage you to utilize your 14-day free trial to meet with your coach, ask questions, and determine if they are the right fit for your coaching goals. If within those 14 days you determine that you are unable to find a coaching fit or you determine that coaching is not for you at this time, your payment will be 100% refunded.


If at any point after engaging in coaching, you need to pause your sessions, a credit will remain in your account for 180 days at which time you may resume coaching or apply your credit to another coaching service without penalty. If after 180 days, you have not resumed coaching or applied the credit to another service, the remaining credits will be forfeited.


Group Coaching:


If you purchase a group coaching package, and after participating in the initial session, you determine you would like to cancel, you may receive a refund or credit for the remaining five (5) sessions.